Attract & Engage Supporters for Free Starting Right Now

Use our intelligent matching, recognition tools and reporting to gather support and do more good.


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Leverage the world’s fastest growing social network for good to amplify your impact...

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How We Empower You to Achieve Your Mission

Maximize Volunteer Value

We help quickly connect both new and existing volunteers. Intelligently connect your existing base of support with your latest needs for higher quantity and quality participation.

Engage Volunteers through Meaningful recognition

Quickly log hours, skills and other impact measures so volunteers quickly gain a picture of what they contributed and what has been achieved.

Inform Funding Applications & Operational Decisions with Better Data

GozAround organically generates credible and specific data on volunteer characteristics, contributions, collective impact and more for grant applications and stakeholder reports.

Tell Your Story

Your GozAround profile will quickly become a snap shot of your organization, its mission, its supporters and how to get involved. Share your profile to get your message across in 10-seconds or less...because that is about how long you have these days!

Leverage the GozAround Network

The GozAround Network of volunteers and donors is growing every day meaning more outreach, more awareness, and a larger pool of do-gooders to connect with.

Frequently Asked Questions

QWhat is a GozAround profile and why do I need one?
A Your GozAround profile is like a Facebook Page for your community impact. It's a snapshot of what you support, why, and how people can get involved..
QWe don't need more volunteers and are pretty well set-up. Why do we need GozAround?
A We believe that even the most known, and professionally managed operated organizations can benefit from GozAround. First, by more intelligently engaging your base of supporters. Second, by helping you gather data quickly and accurately. Third, by connecting your operations to our network everything from recruiting support, recognition and reporting gets easier. And best of's free!
QWhat sort of content will you write about our organization?
A Our content team keeps an eye out for every new non-profit members. We would love to profile all of them, but can only feature a select few. If selected we will interview your staff to prepare a Q&A style article sharing your social impact story. If this uncovers additional great material, we may dig further to really inspire.
At GozAround, we specialize in spreading kindness. We want you to be kind and we want it to be kind of fun, kind of easy, and kind of natural to incorporate this philosophy into your daily life. That’s our mission.
© 2020 GozAround Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Charitable donations processed through this service are received and distributed by the GozAround Foundation, a 501(c)(3) private foundation registered with the IRS.